About Us

We provide a better way to sell off-market

Our unique approach focuses on transparency and efficiency. You get to choose your buyers by seeing their track records, their ability to close, and their ratings from other sellers.

FlipIQ is the only marketplace which offers a vetted, proven, buyer network. This ensures not only higher offers but better buyers.

You are in control! We make it easy!

Better Buyers

Our cash buyer network is different, as we have investors and retail buyers looking to purchase with cash and everything in between. Having this many vetted cash buyers with different needs helps you get top dollar for your property. Our system is the closest way to going to the open market without the headaches and hassles of listing your home or the cost associated with traditional listing fees.

Our Management Team

FairClose CEO - Jim Saccacio
Jim Saccacio
25+ years launching and scaling PropTech startups inc. 2 exitsAs Founder/CEO at RealtyTrac, grew company from $0-50M in 7 years. As Co-founder/President at InvestSoCal, managed 70+ real estate transactions including 20 flips and 30 wholesale transactions 2021-2022
Tony Diaz
Tony Diaz
Founder & CPO
28 years real estate development, last 10 years includes the development and use of proprietary PropTech software to buy and sell off-market investment properties. Deep personal experience with over 1,100 residential property flips Co-founder and Chief Product Officer at InvestSoCal
John Hensley
John Hensley
Technology and product development advisor
Software Development, Product Management, Product Invention, Real Estate, Data Analytics Real Estate Technology. Xome, corelogic
Rick Sharga
Rick Sharga
Industry expert and former EVP RealtyTrac
Current EVP at Attom Data Solutions. Former CMO, Auction.com and Ten-x, EVP Carrington Mortgage and SVP Marketing at REaltytrac.
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